
Authentic ,Verified & Vetted Accounts!

Marketplace For Verified USA, Canada & Australia  Accounts for All Your Needs.

Authenticated Verifiers

Verified Accounts By Us.

Transparent Transactions

Make Money.


Buy, Sell, & Rent Verified Accounts


Become Our Verifier & Earn

Scannable Cards

Scannable cards to verify accounts

Become Our Authenticator

Earn Over $1000 Weekly: Exclusive Opportunities for USA, Canada, and Australia

Unlock high-earning potential with our exclusive section dedicated to users in the USA, Canada, and Australia.

How it Works

After getting verified, tell us about yourself to get personalized offers.List your verified accounts from top platforms and watch them sell quickly in our market.

Get Paid Through Our Verified Accounts Marketplace. Anytime. Anywhere.

  • Sell High-Demand Accounts: List your verified accounts from top platforms and watch them sell quickly in these lucrative markets.
  • Rent Accounts for Ongoing Income: Offer your verified accounts for short-term rentals and generate consistent daily income.

Leverage Scannable Cards for Enhanced Earnings

  • Boost Your Listings: Use scannable cards to verify accounts, increasing their value and appeal to potential buyers.
  • Premium Pricing: Verified accounts with scannable cards can fetch premium prices, helping you earn more with each sale.

1000$ Weekly Exclusive to USA, Canada, and Australia Verifiers.

  • High-Demand Markets: Focus on the most profitable regions with high demand for verified accounts.
  • Targeted Audience: Reach buyers who are specifically looking for accounts and services within these countries.

Maximize Your Earnings Becoming A Top Seller

  • Daily Sales Potential: With the right strategy, you can easily exceed $1000 in sales per day.
  • Flexible Income Streams: Whether you’re selling, renting, or verifying, there are multiple ways to earn.

Join the Top Earners Today

Support and Resources: Access tools, tips, and dedicated support to help you succeed in this exclusive section.

Don't Want To Use Your Identity To Verify Accounts. No Problem. Use Ours.
Pay anonymously

Use our scannable cards to easily verify accounts and list them for sale on our platform.

Recent Listings

Shipping For Scannable Cards

How it Works

1. Free Shipping in Florida

  • Enjoy Free Shipping: All scannable card orders shipped to addresses within Florida qualify for free shipping.
  • Fast and Reliable: We ensure prompt delivery to your Florida address at no extra cost.

2. Shipping to Other U.S. States

  • Flat Rate Shipping: For all other states in the USA, enjoy a flat rate shipping fee of just $5.
  • Affordable and Convenient: Get your scannable cards delivered to any state across the country with minimal cost.

3. International Shipping

  • Custom Shipping Rates: For orders outside the USA, shipping costs are determined based on your specific address.
  • Use Your Shipping Agent: You also have the option to arrange delivery through your own preferred shipping agent for a more personalized experience.

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It’s no secret that real estate is a lucrative industry. However, did you know that social media accounts can be just as …

Crypto Options

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